Who We Are
The Women’s Foundation of the South (WFS) is a public foundation led by and working for womxn* and girls of color (WGOC) in the Southern United States
We raise money and invest it in nonprofits and businesses across 13 states as the only permanent foundation dedicated to centering and investing in the collective health, wealth, and power of Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and Asian womxn and girls across the entire American South.

When womxn of color are successful, the entire community thrives. Yet, Southern states consistently fall below the national average in outcomes for womxn in areas like health, legal protection, and economic security.

Our Approach
An investment in womxn and girls of color in the South is the surest way to change their lives and the future direction of our country. The time to invest in the outcomes we want is now.
Philanthropy is poised to lead by elevating innovation and best practices and investing in the people and organizations working to create and replicate transformational change. Yet, despite its charitable intentions, legacy philanthropy often causes further harm by limiting investments, access to power, and opportunities for organizations led by people of color, especially womxn of color.
Therefore, WFS is writing the next chapter for womxn and girls of color (WGOC) in the South. We believe that solutions are often held by those closest to impacts of the problem. By transforming the way philanthropy prioritizes its funding, we invest in the health, wealth, and power of Southern WGOC.
By 2026, WFS will serve the thirteen states of the American South: Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Texas.
Oluremi Abiodun
Edgar Aglipay
Amanda Aiken
Jess Allen
Melanie Allen
Katharine Arnold
Mona Arnold-McBride
Marilyn Baquet
Isabel Barrios
Allie Betts
Eileen Bondy
Dawn Bradley-Fletcher
Kysha Brown
Stephanie Burks
Jackie Burton
Alyce Bush
Ciara Coleman
Michelle Coleman
Tiffany Crawford
Lanor Curole
Dr. Gloria Richard Davis
Ivory Davis
Shelina Davis
Kim Dean
Randi Dean
Pierre Detiege
Asali DeVan Ecclesiastes
Kimberly Dilosa
Yolanda Doucette
Jazzlyn Duplessis
Vaughn Fauria
Montrelle Fennidy
Rebecca Fisher
Catherine Flowers
Kathy Freshley
Ashleigh Gardere
Lisa Gentry
Kidada Gilbert-Lewis
C'Ardiss Gleser
Lakita Green
Susan Hairston
Amber Hamilton
Deon Haywood
Kathy Hebert
Gracia Hillman
Rebecca Ingram
Larry Irvin
Rhonda Jackson
Carmen James Randolph
Cynthia James
Anita Jefferson
Alice Eason Jenkins
Alisha Johnson Perry
Hon. Rachael Johnson
Gizelle Johnson Johnson-Banks
Nicole Jolly
Diana Jones Wilson
Kim Jones
Kristyna Jones
Adrinda Kelly
Denise R. King
Lauren King
Kelli King-Jackson
Gladys Krigger Washington
Juan LaFonta
Khari Lane
Malik Lane
Dawn Lapeyrolerie
Annie LaRock
Ericka Lassair
Dr. Thomas LaVeist
Halima Leak Francis
Ellen Lee
Jade Lenore LeDuff
Flora Lewis
Rica Lewis-Payton
Sandra G Lilly
Maude B. Lofton
Mary Magee
Tyra Mariani
Akilah Massey
Rachel Mayes
Candra McGowen
Dr. Shanell McGoy
Stephanie McKee-Anderson
Erin McQuade-Wright
Cyndee Miranda
Margaret Montgomery Richard
Edna R. Moore
Mariah Moore
Rosetta Moorhead
Malaika Mora
Anne Mosle
Kieta D. Mutepfa
Jed Oppenheim
Stephanie Osborne
Heather D. Parish
Lee Parker
Sandi Peterson-Cooper
Avione Pichon
Kim Pradd
Toya Randall
Courtney Randolph
Kiersten Randolph
Mary Randolph
Shaunna Randolph
Elizabeth Rhodes
Jen Roberts
Bonita Robertson-Hardy
Ava Rogers
Julie L. Rogers
Lee Roper-Batker
Robyn Rosenthal
Christy Ross
Chantel M. Rush Tebbe
Timolynn Sams
Chad Sanders
Aaron Santos
Jeff Schiffman
Patrice Sentino
Michele Seymour
Reagan Sidney
Lori Spicer-Robertson
Briana Spruille
Erica Spruille
Cheryll Stephens
Audrey Stewart
Rachel Swan
Esperanza K. Tervalon
Jasmine Thomas
Lisa Thompson
Rhoda Timpton
Vera Triplett
Iam Tucker
Linda Usdin
M. von Nkosi
Christy Wallace Slater
Jeanne Wardford
Tamika Webb-Detiege
Sherece West Scantlebury
Gayle Williams
Kimberly D. Williams
Rhea C Williams-Bishop
Michael Williamson
Jasmine Williams-Washington
Ariel Wilson-Harris
Donna-Marie Winn
Michelyn Woodard
Stephanie Woodward
Kimberly Wright-Violich
Tamara Wyre
Amalgamated Foundation
Amazon Smile
Be NOLA - Black Education for New Orleans
Black Belt Community Foundation
Casey Family Programs
Fidelity Charitable
Foundation for Louisiana
Hancock Whitney Bank
JP Morgan Matching Gift Program
Kresge Foundation
Mary Reynolds Babcock Foundation
Merle Chambers Fund
Microsoft Matching Gift Program
Microsoft Rewards / Give with Bing
Morgan Stanley Gift Fund
Ms. Foundation for Women
Pivotal Ventures
Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Satterberg Foundation
Seeding Justice
Stupski Foundation
Tito's Handmade Vodka
UK Online Giving Foundation
United Way of Southeast Louisiana
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
W.K. Kellogg Foundation Matching Gift Program